Bee Pollen contains the male gametes of plants found as small dust pellets in the stamen of flowers. It is gathered from pollen laden bees with a special device placed at the entrance of the hive designed to brush the material from their hind legs.

Bee Pollen has been called nature’s perfect food. It is very rich in vitamins and contains almost all known minerals, trace elements, enzymes and amino acids. It contains the essence of every plant from which bees collect pollen, in combination with digestive enzymes from the bees.

Bee pollen is a popular nutritional supplement that builds the immune system and provides energy for the entire body. It contains 35% protein, 55% carbohydrate, 2% fatty acids and 3% minerals and vitamins. It is high in B-complex and vitamins A, C, D, and E. It also contains lecithin, beta-carotene, selenium.

This combination of elements make bee pollen an excellent source of anti-oxidants. Research studies and clinical tests have demonstrated that bee pollen has an immunizing effect, enhances vitality, and can counteract the effects of radiation and chemical toxins.

Used as an immune system builder, Bee Pollen is thought to have the ability to correct body chemistry and eliminate unhealthy conditions. It is considered to have the ability to throw off poisons and toxic materials from the body. Radiation and chemical pollutants are known as the most severe stressors to your immune system. Side effects of radiation treatment decreases the body’s production of blood cells and nutrients in the blood.

Bee pollen is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream and stimulates immunological responses. It has proved beneficial for nausea, sleep disorders, and urinary and rectal disorders following radiation treatment.

Athletes often use this supplement to help increase their strength, endurance, energy and speed. Bee pollen aids the body in recovering from exercise, returning breathing and heart rate to normal, and improves endurance for repeat exertion. It provides energy, stamina and strength as well as improving mental and physical reactions.

Those who do taxing mental work also can see benefits from this natural energy food. Bee pollen can relieve brain fatigue and improve alertness. This can increase your capacity for intense concentration and enable longer periods of work without becoming tired. Stress can use up vitamins quickly and bee pollen can relieve stress and anxiety by replacing essential nutrient reserves in the body.

Many people with allergies have found relief by ingesting bee pollen. It reduces the production of histamine which can cause allergic responses such as hay fever. It can strengthen the respiratory system and provide protein that can help the body build a natural defense shield against allergic responses.

Bee pollen has an effect on blood pressure and sexual function. People who suffer from low blood pressure can be subject to deficiencies in the sex glands. Pollen increases blood pressure especially when taken with kelp and may increase hormone levels and sexual strength.

Weight loss also may occur as lecithin, an ingredient in bee pollen, increases the speed calories are burned and stabilizes poor metabolism. It aids in the digestive process and the assimilation of nutrients. Bee pollen may also relieve anemia, cerebral hemorrhage, colitis and constipation.

How Used: Gelatin caps, tablets and granules

Common Use: This natural tonic food is a popular energy booster, strengthens the immune system and enhances vitality.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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